Writing with AI: Preparation, Support, Evaluation
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Writing with AI: Preparation, Support, Evaluation

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), and in particular the chatbot ChatGPT, is said to have the po-tential to change writing in a profound and disruptive way (Alier et al., 2024; Schindler, 2024). The basis for this assumption is the ever-increasing ability of AI to produce texts within seconds that sim-ulate text structure and coherence so well that even prospective teachers consider them to be ‚hu-man-made‘ (e.g. Schicker & Akbulut, 2023, p. 178). It seems possible that AI/computer and human work together and co-actively (Steinhoff, 2023). However, this does not seem to make writing fun-damentally ‚faster‘ or ‚easier‘ (Förster, 2023, p. 7; Fyfe, 2023, p. 1402). Rather, writing in the ’new‘ context of AI requires the development of further (partial) skills (e.g. text criticism) (e.g. Rödel, 2023).
Against this background, the Standing Scientific Commission of the Conference (SWK) and UNESCO published recommendations for dealing with AI in the education sector. These recommendations suggest that generative AI should be regarded as a potential resource for teaching and learning. Moreover, the necessity for further training courses in this area is emphasised. The project ‘Schreiben mit KI im Lehramt’ (Writing with AI in teaching) aims to develop and implement a training pro-gramme in this field.

Target Group:

The project ‘Schreiben mit KI im Lehramt’ is aimed at teacher students of all subjects. They are con-fronted with the changing situation of writing in a double role: on the one hand, they are learners themselves, especially in academic writing, which is a central form of learning and examination in their studies. Here, AI opens up new and previously unimagined spaces (Fyfe, 2023, p. 1402; Un-derwood, 2021). On the other hand, it is future teachers who are expected to support students in their writing acquisition, which is no less influenced by the perceived disruptive potential of AI appli-cations (Buck & Limburg, 2023).

Project Goal:

The project ‘Schreiben mit KI im Lehramt’ aims to support teacher students in meeting these new and complex challenges. In cooperation with the Writing Centre of the FSU Jena, an extracurricular course on writing will be designed, tested and empirically evaluated. The self-learning course consists of three (independent) modules, which primarily address teacher education students in their future teaching role and aim at „transfer effects“ on their own (academic) writing. The students are instruct-ed to i) prepare, ii) support and iii) evaluate writing with the assistance of AI. The starting point is interdisciplinary, relevant writing tasks and learner texts from school practice. The modules consist of online and classroom components.

Project participants:

Dr. des. Gerrit Helm, project manager and main contact
Dr. des. Florian Hesse, project management
Prof. Dr. Iris Winkler, project manager

Marie Anett Moser, student assistant
Kilian Dingeldey, student assistant

Project-related publications:

  • Helm, Gerrit & Hesse, Florian (eingereicht): Usage and beliefs of student teachers towards artificial intelligence in writing. Research in Subject-matter Teaching and Learning (RISTAL).
  • Helm, Gerrit & Hesse, Florian (i.V.): Potenziale generativer KI für das sprachlich-literarische Lehren und Lernen im erstsprachlichen Unterricht. [Arbeitstitel].


  • Alier, M., García-Peñalvo, F.-J., & Camba, J. D. (2024). Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: From Deceptive to Disruptive. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 8(5), 5. https://doi.org/10.9781/ijimai.2024.02.011
  • Buck, I., & Limburg, A. (2023). Hochschulbildung vor dem Hintergrund von Natural Language Proces-sing (KI-Schreibtools). die hochschullehre, 6.
  • Förster, A. G. (2023). Mit KI übersetzen. leseforum.ch, 3.
  • Fyfe, P. (2023). How to cheat on your final paper: Assigning AI for student writing. AI & Society, 38(4), 1395–1405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-022-01397-z
  • Rödel, M. (2023). ChatGPT und Textkompetenz: Wie sieht die Zukunft des Schreibens in der Schule aus? Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistikverbands, 70(4), 373–381.
  • Schicker, S., & Akbulut, M. (2023). ChatGPT – maschinelle und menschliche Textsortenkompetenz. In S. Schicker & L. Miškulin Saletović (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Handlungsmuster & Text(sorten)kompetenz (S. 169–197). Graz University Library Publishing. https://doi.org/10.25364/978390337426311
  • Schindler, K. (2024). Schreiben mit, durch und über KI – Herausforderungen und Chancen für das Schreiben in der Schule. ide, 2(2024).
  • Steinhoff, T. (2023). Literalität oder Digitalität? Sowohl als auch! Überlegungen zu einer postdigitalen Deutschdidaktik am Beispiel des Lesens und Schreibens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Künstlicher Intelligenz. leseforum.ch, 3.
  • Underwood, T. (2021). Science fiction hasn’t prepared us to imagine machine learning. tedunder-wood.com. https://tedunderwood.com/2021/02/02/why-sf-hasnt-prepared-us-to-imagine-machine-learning/