Fachdidaktik Deutsch | Teaching Literature in Field Experiences
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Teaching Literature in Field Experiences

Although long-term internships in teacher education have been expanded throughout Germany and internationally in recent years, little is currently known across subjects about how students design learning opportunities in their internship classes. This dissertation project addresses this research gap by exploratively examining 22 students‘ videotaped lessons on short narrative texts. On the one hand, low-inferential coding is used to work out how the learning opportunities are designed at the surface level, i.e., which methods, social forms, and content-related activities are at the center of the lessons. On the other hand, it is investigated to what extent the lessons show aspects of a high-quality literature teaching from a professional point of view. For this purpose, a quality model for literature lessons was developed on the basis of current psychological-educational and literature-didactic lesson research, which hierarchically combines the dimensions „cognitive-emotional activation,“ „selection and preparation of content,“ „classroom management,“ and „socio-emotional support“ (cf. also Hesse & Winkler 2022). The quality areas were operationalized with a total of 23 items and, like the low-inferential codings, were tested with regard to their inter-rater reliability (N = 3 raters). Apart from the content-related results, the study thus also makes an important contribution to the development of valid, reliable, and objective measurement instruments, which are still rare in literature didactics research.

Status of thesis: The thesis is currently in the final phase and is expected to be published in 2023.

Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Iris Winkler (FSU Jena) & Prof. Dr. Dorothee Wieser (TU Dresden)

The work is funded by the German National Academic Foundation

Selected Publications (in German):

Hesse, Florian & Winkler, Iris (2022): Fachliche Qualität im Literaturunterricht. In: SLLD-Z, 2, S. 1–29. https://doi.org/10.46586/SLLD.Z.2022.9605
Hesse, Florian (in press): Unterrichten üben im Schulpraktikum? Theoretische Überlegungen und Konzeption einer Videostudie zum Literaturunterricht von Studierenden. In: Jochen Heins, Katrin Kleinschmidt-Schinke, Dorothee Wieser, & Esther Wiesner (Hrsg.): Üben. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven in der Deutschdidaktik. SLLD-B.