Online-based Video Feedback in Teaching Practicum (OVID-PRAX)
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Online-based Video Feedback in Teaching Practicum (OVID-PRAX)

Teacher education programs at German universities include field experiences in schools. A crucial question of teacher education research is how these field experiences can be structured and guided so that the teacher students’ learning outcomes (e.g. pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge) are improved. The OVID-PRAX (Online-based Video Feedback in Teaching Practicum) project focuses on this question. The project is conducted through the interdisciplinary cooperation of researchers in both educational sciences and L1 language and literature education. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.

OVID-PRAX is an intervention study. In a digital learning environment, pre-service teachers of German received feedback on self-planned and self-conducted lessons. The lessons were documented by means of videotaping (intervention group 1, “video”, N=38) or written protocols (intervention group 2, “text”, N=42). Feedback was given for each teacher by peers and by experts in the fields of L1 language and literature education as well as educational sciences. The sample included a control group (N=43) that did not receive any feedback. The accompanying university seminars focused on aspects of classroom talk and dealing with student answers. With respect to learning results, the project investigates if the participants’ performance in dealing with student answers increases. Concerning learning processes, the project analyses the characteristics of the feedback the pre-service teachers gave to each other.