Fachdidaktik Deutsch | Staff Members
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Staff Members

Christine Allerdt

Delegated Teacher

Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 25

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 52


under construction

Research Projects

Dr. Thomas Berger


Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 91

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 99


Thomas Berger works as a lecturer and teacher educator in our team and as a German teacher at the ‘UniverSaale’ comprehensive school in Jena, Germany. Holding a PhD in literary studies and possessing several years of experience as a German teacher, he contributes valuable perspectives to our research group. Thomas’ main focus lies on teaching, with a special interest in (teaching) literature. In addition, he offers seminars on grammar and orthography together with researchers in the linguistics department.

Selected Publications

  • Der Humanitätsgedanke in der Literatur der deutschen Spätaufklärung. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag 2008.
  • „Grenzvernunft“ und Theodizee – zum Verhältnis von Skepsis und Heilsgewissheit in Lessings Spätwerk. In: Wezel-Jahrbuch 10/11 (2009), S. 195-219.
  • Nachweis und Bewertung literarischen Verstehens in schulischen Leistungssituationen und Testaufgaben. In: Iris Winkler, Nicole Masanek, Ulf Abraham (Hg.): Poetisches Verstehen. Literaturdidaktische Positionen – empirische Forschung – Projekte aus dem Deutschunterricht. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider 2010, S. 98-113.
  • Rezeption und Produktion von Sachtexten. In: Helmuth Feilke, Juliane Köster, Michael Steinmetz (Hg.) Textkompetenzen in der Sekundarstufe II. Stuttgart: Fillibach bei Klett 2013, S. 331-353.

Florian Hesse

Research Assistant

Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 03

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 52


Florian Hesse is a researcher at the Chair of Teaching German as a First Language. His work focuses on professionalization and teaching research. Among other things, this is where the completed dissertation study is located, in which Florian Hesse investigated how prospective teachers design learning opportunities in literature classes during the practical semester. The insights gained here are also used in his current projects on the quality of literature teaching (QuaLITy) and on the teaching activities of students in the subject German independent of their studies (stunde). His work also focuses on current children’s and youth literature of different mediality as well as reading and writing in a culture of digitality. More information about Florian Hesse’s work can be found on ResearchGate and Twitter.

Selected Publications

Research Projects

Christiane Kirmse

Research Assistant

Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 25

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 52


Research and teaching are equally important to Christiane Kirmse, who works as a research assistant and doctoral student in our team. In her research, she explores questions theoretically and empirically, using qualitative research methods. She is particularly interested in the question of how teachers and students deal with point of view in narrative texts (PhD-Project). Questions that concern the reading of literature are not only the core of her research, but also of her teaching. In addition to her seminars with literary scholars, her cooperation with researchers in the field of text linguistics offers interesting networking opportunities. In her teaching, she pays close attention to the opportunities and challenges of digitization. One research project that is closely linked to the further development of her teaching focuses on teacher students’ beliefs about reading. To examine these beliefs, Christiane, together with her colleagues, Anna Seeber and Florian Hesse, analyses the reading autobiographies of students who are still at the beginning of their studies (LeBiS).

Selected Publications

  • Erasmus von Rotterdam, Paraclesis dt. In: Conradus Mutianus Rufus und der Humanismus in Erfurt. Katalog zur Ausstellung der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha auf Schloss Friedenstein 21. August bis 1. November 2009, hg. v. Christoph Fasbender. Gotha: Univ. Erfurt 2009, S. 48-50.

Research Projects

  • Research on Experts’ and Novices’ Literary Reading Processes. Teachers’ and Students’ Strategies for Dealing with Point of View (PhD project)
  • Reading Autobiographies of Pre-service Teacher Students (LeBiS; together with Anna Seeber and Florian Hesse)

Birgit Rickmann

Delegated Teacher

Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 25

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 08


Birgit Rickmann teaches German and English at the ‘Karl Theodor Liebe Gymnasium’ (High School) in Gera and works as a University Mentor for pre-service teachers during their field experiences. She finds teaching at university rewarding for two main reasons: One, she is able to provide her students valuable feedback concerning their theory-driven plans as well as their actual teaching. Two, it is exactly this process of giving feedback that allows her to reflect more deeply on her own teaching.

Dr. Karin Zimmermann

Delegated Teacher

Office Hours:
by arrangement


Phone +49. 3641. 9442 91

Fax +49. 3641. 9442 08


Karin Zimmermann teaches German, History, and Theater and Design at the ‘Otto Schott Gymnasium’ (High School) and works in our team as a University Mentor for pre-service teachers during their field experiences. Switching between the two institutions is what Karin experiences as particularly rewarding. At school, Karin advocates for a holistic approach of learning and teaching, whereas the main focus of her teaching at university lies on the planning of German lessons. Inspired by the OVID-PRAX project, she provides individual feedback concerning the pre-service teachers’ lesson plans. Thus, she aims at enabling teacher students to cross the boundaries between the theory they learn at the university and the practical demands of their field experiences.



Stefanie Frei


Marie-Louise Schirmer