Substitute Teaching activities of students in the subject German
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Substitute Teaching activities of students in the subject German

In view of the so-called ‘teacher shortage’, there is an increasing number of opportunities for student teachers without a degree to teach in schools as part-time (substitute) teachers during their studies. However, why students decide to take on such an activity, how they are supervised and how this activity changes their view of the relationship between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ is still largely unexplored (for initial insights, see Bäuerlein et al. 2018; Scheidig and Holmeier 2022; Rau-Patschke 2022). Furthermore, there are no findings to date on how students organise learning opportunities in corresponding teaching settings.
The mixed-methods project “stunde” (study-independent teaching activities of German students) aims to address this desideratum and work on it at the interface of general professionalisation research and German didactics. Initially, a broad questionnaire survey of German students in Jena is planned in order to find out how many students of German (regular school, grammar school) are currently engaged in teaching activities independent of their studies. In addition to general information on the type and scope of the activity, information is also to be obtained using tried and tested scales, for example on the students’ motives, their supervision at school, their convictions on the theory-practice relationship, their experience of stress and their self-perceived teaching quality.
In a second step, the quantitative data will be analysed in greater depth by means of a qualitative interview study among part-time teaching students. On the one hand, the constructs already collected in the questionnaire will be analysed in more detail. On the other hand, the respondents will also be asked to present and comment on what they consider to be a successful lesson (including working materials, lesson plans if applicable) that they have given as part of their part-time work. This is intended to relate the quantitatively and qualitatively collected beliefs to the (reported) teaching behaviour and thus also establish a connection to the discourse on teaching quality in the subject of German (Hesse 2024; Hesse and Winkler 2022; Wiprächtiger-Geppert et al. 2021).

The project is being carried out by Florian Hesse and Jonas Krause as part of the Honours Programme for excellent students at FSU Jena.


Hesse, F., & Krause, J. (2024). Studierende unterrichten neben dem Studium als Vertretungslehrkräfte – ein Bericht zum Stand der empirischen Forschung. [Students teaching as substitute teachers alongside their studies – a report on the state of empirical research.] Didaktik Deutsch, (56), 66-86.