Quality in literature teaching (QuaLITy)
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Quality in literature teaching (QuaLITy)

The QuaLITy project aims to gain empirical insights into the practice of everyday literature lessons as they take place under authentic conditions without targeted external influence. It draws on preliminary work from the KoALa project and from Florian Hesse’s completed doctoral project. Since 2023, the project has been videotaping series of three lessons on Wolfgang Herrndorf’s “Tschick”. In addition, interviews are conducted with the teachers and student questionnaires are used to determine usage and impact data. We are cooperating with Dr Alexander Naumann (DIPF), who currently holds the Chair of Educational Data Science at TU Dortmund University.

Project-related publications:

  • Hesse, Florian/Winkler, Iris (Hrsg.) (i. V.): Eine Literaturstunde – sechs Perspektiven auf Unterricht und Unterrichtsqualität. Ansätze literaturdidaktischer Unterrichtsforschung in der Diskussion [One literature lesson – six perspectives on teaching and teaching quality. Approaches to literature didactic teaching research under discussion] . SLLD-B.
  • Hesse, Florian/Winkler, Iris (2022): Fachliche Qualität im Literaturunterricht [Subject-specific teaching quality in literature lessons]. In: Zeitschrift für sprachlich-literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik (SLLD-Z), 2. Jg., S. 1–29. https://doi.org/10.46586/SLLD.Z.2022.9605
  • Hesse, Florian/Winkler, Iris (2021): Textauswahl und Auswahlbegründungen von Lehrpersonen beim Einsatz von Ganzschriften im achten Jahrgang am Gymnasium [Text selection and reasons for selection by teachers when using novels in the eighth year at grammar school]. In: Leseräume. Forum Literalitätsforschung, H. 7, S. 7–21.